Mogen wij aan u voorstellen… onze nieuwe collega Lode!
A warm welcome for Lode Faassen, who joins our team as Technical Support Specialist.
Since January 2022, the Tacon & Matrixtape team has been strengthened by a new employee, Lode Faassen. As Technical Support Specialist he is responsible for machine development, process optimization, machine maintenance and failure analysis.
In 2020 Lode Faassen obtained his degree in electromechanics majoring in process automation at the Hogeschool PXL (Belgium). After this training, Lode gained his first work experience as a technician, responsible for technical malfunctions and process construction.
“All my life I have been fascinated by everything that involves mechanics and electronics. For this reason I studied electromechanics, with a major in automation. After my studies I started working as a maintenance technician, but this job was soon no longer challenging enough. I have now found that challenge at Tacon & Matrixtape, for which I am very grateful! Here I get the chance to optimize the current machines, to design and build new machines, but also to solve failures when they occur.
I am looking forward to doing my bit in this versatile company and gaining a lot of knowledge and experience.”
Lode Faassen, Technical Support Engineer
The new appointment of Technical Support Specialist fits in with Tacon & Matrixtape’s strategy of innovation in the area of process development and optimization in the field of industrial tapes and technical film conversion for the medical, automotive, construction, packaging and other industries.
We are looking forward to a great cooperation and are confident that we can further develop the team as an enthusiastic and professional team.
We look forward to a great collaboration and are confident to further develop great result driven and innovative products as a team.