

eBookAdhesive Tapes 101

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De Beste Verbindingen Creëren

Wij inspireren innovatie voor productiepartners door het co-creëren van maatwerk tape en aanverwante producten, omdat we geloven dat het delen van kennis de beste connecties creëert.


Tacon, Tape Converters Holland, heeft diverse machines voor het snijden van tapes in verschillende maten. Door de tapes op een efficiënte manier te snijden kunnen we deze met minder afval omzetten wat kostenbesparend is en het milieu ontziet.


Tacon, Tape Converters Holland, converts adhesive tapes and flexible materials into component parts and finished goods for private label companies and for a variety of industries around Europe.

Product Development

Our team of  product engineers helps manage the process from design and development, to prototyping to full production. We help cut development costs and our design expertise assures innovative quality products.


We offer Class 9 Clean Room Manufacturing and Packaging for the medical and health care industry, as well as other industries where small particles can adversely affect the manufacturing process, such as in electronics and food contact.


We are committed to quality products, fast turn-around times, competitive pricing, consistency, customer satisfaction, compliance with requirements and to continually doing our utmost to improve the quality management system.